Boop The Milli

  • So you are interested in booping Milli!
  • Come here, i’ll guide you!


  • The BoopThePony+Milli is available only for Windows.
  • This app comes as a downloable addon for the already available BoopThePony Program made by WaveCipher, so it requires the base version in order to run.


  • All the credits goes to the talentous WaveCipher, really go check her out.
  • @WaveCipher



Step 1
  • Download the latest version of the Boop The Pony Base Version in WaveCipher’s Ko-Fi and Unzip it.
Step 2
  • Download the Milli addon from the download button here.

Step 3
  • Extract the archive and open the folder
Step 4
  • Copy the “c01_Eponafest” folder
Step 5
  • Open the BoopThePony Base Version application folder
  • and open the “Assets” folders

Step 6
  • Paste the “c01_Eponafest” folder!
Step 7
  • Open the app and enjoy the booping!